Lucir's low-cost spectral measurement system offers unparalleled cost performance.
Please use the system with a control console (laptop computer), software, imaging spectrograph, and a CCD camera for your application.
Standard model for high sensitivity UV to visible
- Set Model No. "Z3200-H7031" 1,024 x 122 pixel back-illuminated CCD camera Single stage Peltier cooling -10°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
High resolution model for high sensitivity UV to visible
- Set Model No. "Z3200-H10141" 2,048 x 122 pixel back-illuminated CCD camera Single stage Peltier cooling -10°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
Highly cooled model for high sensitivity UV to visible
- Set Model No. "Z3200-E3011Bl" 1024 x 256 pixel back-illuminated CCD camera 3-stage Peltier cooling -30°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
Highly cooled model for high-sensitivity near-ultraviolet to near-infrared
- Set Model No. "Z3200-E3011BlDD" 1024 x 256 pixel back-illuminated deep depletion CCD Camera 3-stage Peltier cooling -30°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
Highly cooled model for high sensitivity UV to NIR
- Set Model No. "Z3200-E3011OE" 1024 x 256 pixel open-electrode CCD camera 3-stage Peltier cooling -30°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
For high-sensitivity near-infrared (800 nm to 1,700 nm)
- Set Model No. "Z3200-SU512" 512x 1 pixel InGaAs detector Single stage Peltier cooling -10°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)
Low-cost version for high-sensitivity near-infrared (800 nm to 1,700 nm)
- Set Model No. "Z3200-SU256" 256x 1 pixel InGaAs detector Single stage Peltier cooling -10°C
- 2 standard gratings
- Soft ware
- Control console (laptop)