The measurement of LED parameters is a unique degree impulse science. For example, CIE-compliant luminance intensity and emission can be very faint. INPSEC uses a direct lens couple unit to ensure sensitivity even for such low-luminance LED measurements. This optical design is compatible with a wide variety of LEDs, from small SMTs to high power LEDs. The INPSEC has the capacity for colorimetric and radiometric analysis in accordance with CIE127-2007 and NIST.
INSPEC-IH100 emission intensity measurement

INSPEC-IH100 can measure emission intensity and all wavelength parameters (e.g., principal wavelength) according to CIE127-2007.
INSPEC-LH200 High-power LED light emission measurement

The INSPEC-LH200, configured with an integrating sphere, can measure luminous flux and radiation output. The sample holder is designed to set the LED inside the integrating sphere aperture, allowing all the radiation to enter the integrating sphere. The inside of the integrating sphere has a highly reflective and diffuse white coating. Auxiliary lamp is a standard accessory.
INSPEC-LH1000 emission measurement for lighting

The INSPEC-LH1000 can be configured with a 1,000 mm integrating sphere to extend luminous intensity measurement to 32,000 lm. The large 140 mm diameter input port is ideal for a wide variety of lighting applications, especially LED lighting where color uniformity measurement is required.
High Power Flash Lighting
LED Lighting, LED Tubes
INSPEC-IH100 emission intensity measurement

INSPEC-IH100 can measure emission intensity and all wavelength parameters (e.g., principal wavelength) according to CIE127-2007.
- Unique integrating sphere design
- Quantitative fluorescence intensity measurement
- Phosphor color analysis
- Excitation and Absorption Analysis
- Phosphor IQC
- Photoluminescence measurement for white LEDs
- Quantum Yield Measurement for LED Phosphor
- Compact and easy installation
- Tunable excitation source option